Learner Health & Wellness

Children often complain of abdominal ache (pain in the tummy). It can be a sign of illness, but ordinarily a child will have pain, however, not be unwell. Two conditions in children that are better known in recent years are cyclic vomiting symptoms and abdominal migraine headaches. These terms tend to be used interchangeably since vomiting is prominent in abdominal migraines and abdominal pain is prominent in cyclic vomiting syndrome. The dominant indication determines which label will be utilized. Cyclic vomiting symptoms is recurrent episodes of vomiting. Abdominal migraines is recurrent shows of abs pain for no known cause and more often observed in children with a family history of migraines (head). Both conditions have a tendency to worsen at night.
Got identified as having a stomach computer virus, the chills, pains, cramps, diarrhea. Been hydrating whenever you can with water, gaterade, pedialyte. Even started the BRAT diet. What is relating to is the stomach pain I feel whenever i drink liquids. Trying to find other thoughts or viewpoints. Hate the ER and prefer to avoid it if possible.
Ideally, you will want to obtain a lower dosage than you're on now, and then slowly but surely decrease your dose. Once you get right down to the lowest dosage of the proton pump inhibitor, you can start substituting with an over-the-counter H2 blocker like Tagamet, Cimetidine, Zantac, or Raniditine. Then gradually wean from the H2 blocker over the next several weeks.
Antibiotics won't help because the cause of your discomfort is viral. You may check out the store for some medication, but do you really want to swallow drugs when nearly everything makes you queasy? Here are some home remedies for the abdominal flu that likely won't get rid of you, however the treatments may help reduce the ickiness for some time.stomach ache what to eat to feel better
So when should you call your child's health care provider? Call immediately if the pain is severe and has lasted more than one hour or its frequent and has lasted more than two time. Or if you are worried about appendicitis or if the pain actually extends in to the scrotum or testicles of young boys. You might be advised to visit the children's emergency room for further testing that might not be able to be done in your doctor's office to evaluate for those serious triggers that may desire a surgeon.